In-System Damage Protection

Proven Cost Savings of up to $300,000 Per Year!

Want to significantly reduce wasted & damaged material? Exotic Automation & Supply’s In-System Damage Protection, ISD, uses a high grade neoprene foam rubber, coated with a high performance grade polyurea with a hardness rating of 80A and is proven not to damage Class A surfaces.

Custom Products Available Upon Request!

In-System Damage Can Be Applied to Virtually Any Surface to Provide:

  • Vehicle Protection
  • Installation Tooling Protection
  • Class-A Surface Protection
  • Injury Mitigation
  • Facility Protection

Common Applications:

  • Installation Tools & Fixtures
  • Automated Equipment
  • Installation Carts
  • Robotic Equipment
  • Railing & Bollards
  • Bumpers & Pads
  • Rollers & Wheels
In-System-Damage-Flyer-04.23-pdf (1)
ISD Flyer
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